As we celebrate World heart day 2021, we need to know this; cardiovascular disease (CVD) claims 17.9 million lives globally each year. Also, that, over a lifetime, our heartbeats about 2.5 billion times. That is a hard-working muscle!
In honour of the day celebration, we must have the following tips at the back of our minds to keep our hearts healthy:
• Stop smoking. It is the number one way to improve your heart health.
• Talk to your doctor about your Body Mass Index (BMI), a percentage of body fat.
• Maintain your healthy weight- Even a loss as small as 3% to 5% body weight can help lower blood pressure if you are overweight.
• Staying active daily — even just a brisk walk — can help keep the pounds off.
• Limit salt. The Heart Foundation recommends less than 2,000 mg of sodium daily. Too much salt can lead to high blood pressure, which can cause a stroke, heart attack, and more.
• Eat your fruits and vegetables. Eating more fruits and veggies can never hurt you — unless it is fried, of course.
• Eat more chicken (and fish). Chicken and fish often have less saturated fat than red meat, which is better for your heart.
• Limit red meat to once a week or less. Red meats have more cholesterol than other meats like chicken or fish. Since cholesterol can make your heart disease worse, try to limit it and choose lean cuts like sirloin.
• Soluble fibre lowers cholesterol and helps manage blood sugar. So, eat more soluble fibre like whole grains, berries, flaxseed, and beans to avoid the “crash” of eating less fibrous foods.
• Increase Omega-3 fatty acids in your diet. It may help reduce blood pressure, lower triglyceride levels, and protect the heart by slowing plaque growth and reduce arrhythmia.
• Oatmeal is fibre rich and contains omega-3 fatty acids, folate, and potassium. Eating oatmeal may also help lower levels of LDL (bad) cholesterol.
• Follow your health plan and take your Medications. Work with your doctor to create a plan that works for you and stick with it. This includes taking any prescribed medications for health conditions like high blood pressure.
• A minimum of 40 minutes 3 to 4 times a week is ideal for the best cardiovascular health results. Exercise Regularly!
• Keep your body guessing. Mix up your fitness routines with cardio, strength training, and stretching. All are important for good health.
• Limit alcohol. Too much alcohol can raise triglyceride levels.
• Limit your sugar intake. The recommendation is no more than 6 teaspoons a day for women and 9 teaspoons a day for men. Excess sugar intake is linked to certain cancers, heart disease, and obesity.
• Switch to olive oil. Olive oil is full of monounsaturated fats, lowers LDL (bad) cholesterol. It may help reduce the risks of developing heart disease.
• Monitor your cholesterol. Have your cholesterol checked at least every five years. You’ll want to do this more if your doctor has discovered any issues like high cholesterol in the past.
• High blood pressure can cause heart disease, kidney disease, and it has been linked to dementia. Check your blood pressure regularly.
• Work with your doctor to manage blood sugar levels to protect your heart health.
• Stress can raise blood pressure and lead to elevated levels of the hormone’s adrenaline and cortisol in the body. Mitigate Stress
• Eat Some Soy. Soy is low in saturated fat and can potentially lower cholesterol. Consuming 25 grams of soy protein daily can lower LDL by up to 6%.
• Practice good oral hygiene. Good dental hygiene includes brushing and flossing your teeth daily. Those who have gum disease often have risk factors for heart disease.
• Donate blood. At least every six months, consider donating blood. Studies have shown that people who donate regularly suffer fewer heart attacks.
• Be social. Studies show that people who stay in regular contact with family and friends have fewer heart problems.
• Adults typically need 7 to 9 hours of sleep a night. Sleep deprivation is not only bad for your heart and blood pressure, but it also raises risks for obesity, diabetes, and depression. Catch some sleep
• Read and understand Food Labels. Just because a food product is labelled as low-fat or healthy doesn’t mean it is. “Partially hydrogenated” or “hydrogenated” means trans fats, which aren’t good for the heart. Monitor sugar and salt amounts per serving and know how many servings are in the package.
• Choose natural over-processed. In general, the less processed a food is, the healthier it is. Think of “whole foods” as foods that are naturally grown like sweet potatoes, bananas, and spinach.
• Choose baked over fried. Think baked buffalo wings, baked fries, and crunchy baked chicken instead of automatically tossing those food items into a fryer.
• Sitting for too long can lead to blood clots. You’ll want to be mindful of the length of time you sit every day and also when you travel. Try to get up and stretch to avoid a blood clot forming.
We believe that you and I have much work to do regarding our lifestyle; and what we do to enjoy a healthy heart. We care for you as friends and community members! That is why we are #ROHSI3



I am writing to say thank you and to show my appreciations for all that you have made us to achieved in terms of being able to provide access to healthcare treatment to our targeted community members. A huge thank you!
I am also using this as a call to action to my other friends to be part of what we are doing at Rays of Hope Support Initiative – #ROHSI3

Within my work as a social development worker, whenever I hear of people battling with health-related issues especially hypertension and diabetes that have led to strokes, heart attack, sudden death, or stories such as he/she wasn’t sick, we were still together yesterday give me and my team great pains because death such as this could be prevented with access to information, measures and monitoring of our health numbers, medication, and change in lifestyle.

I do wish we saved many of these lives by influencing their diets and lifestyles in a way that would keep them healthy and strong to be able to be alive for their loved ones! We know how unbearable it is; to lose a loving and dependable member of a household. I do not want this to happening again because many of these deaths could be prevented with our efforts at Rays of Hope Support Initiative.

I am asking you to join my team with your resources, time (as our ambassadors/Volunteers), network, collaborations, recommendation, money, donations. Let us save lives by inculcating healthy lifestyles through awareness and access to equity healthcare treatment among people when we were able to take the good news to their doorsteps.

You can start from here:

For the donations, use any of our secure links:
STANBICIBTC BANK PLC: Rays of Hope Support Initiative
Naira: 0022069426
Dollar: 0027047650
Or through

If you could support this by donating and then sharing it with your network. I would greatly appreciate it. I know that money can be tight, so please know that every donation makes us closer to our goal.
Kindly reach out to me in case you have any questions, and I will be happy to answer them. I thank all for rejoicing with me and joining me in this mission of impacting and saving the majority of our people from avoidable/sudden death.

Let’s do this together! Love, Health and Joy,

Benjamin Olorunfemi

Executive Director

Restore Health to 5000 Nigerians with Hypertension

Restore Health to 5000 Nigerians with Hypertension


Restore Health to 5000 Nigerians with Hypertension


This project will raise awareness about prevention and provide training to community volunteers to act as health champions who will screen, treat, and share vital information on hypertension and diabetes through peers group, meetings, and through other health campaigns. We will provide medical screening, medications, nutritional supplements, and advice that will aid 5,000 people in Ibadan communities to cope with existing conditions and live a healthy lifestyle.

total goal
monthly donors


Nigeria has one of the highest rates of hypertension in the world, with studies showing rates between 30% and 45%. Hypertension accounts for about 25% of emergencies in Nigerian hospitals. Researchers recommend increased awareness and interventions for prevention and early detection of hypertension. This is particularly urgent in Oyo State. Even with early diagnosis, high cost of medication is forcing patients to seek an alternative to drugs or go without treatment.


Rays of Hope Support Initiative will Continue raising awareness and educating about Hypertension and Diabetes in underserved communities, expanding our reach to 5,000 people in at least five different communities Provide training to 10 volunteers, or “Health Champions” Provide medical screening, medications, and nutritional supplements to at least 400 of those with the greatest need Providing treatment to those with an existing condition can help reduce the rate of illness and death.

Long-Term Impact

ROHSI aims to reduce the prevalence of hypertension in Nigeria in the long-term. We will create partnerships with government health agencies and community development associations to bring awareness and treatment to more communities. We will get closer to our vision of a low prevalence of hypertension in Nigeria, but we can’t do it without your help!


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Our organization main website
This is our facebook page
our twitter page

Organization Information

Rays Of Hope Support Initiative

LOCATION: Ibadan, Oyo – Nigeria
WEBSITE: http:/ /
Rays Of Hope Support Initiative
Benjamin Olorunfemi
Benjamin Olorunfemi
Ibadan, Oyo Nigeria



Restore Health to 5000 Nigerians with Hypertension

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